For the seventh consecutive year, at Ashtabula’s Justice Club has taken the plunge for charity. Since 2007, the Justice Club has participated in the annual Law Enforcement Polar Bear Plunge on Lake Erie. This year’s event took place at Huntington Beach in Geneva State Park and benefits the Special Olympics of Ohio. The temperature was around 25 degrees when 12 Justice Club members took the plunge into icy Lake Erie.
The Justice Club’s 2013 team, its largest yet, earned the club third highest fundraising team for the event. The club collected more than $3,500 in donations for the Special Olympics of Ohio.
“I am extremely proud of this group,” says Marna Drum, advisor for the Ashtabula Justice Club. “They continually go above and beyond for the Ashtabula community, and I am honored to be their advisor.”
Justice Club member Amber Ezzone has a special connection to the Special Olympics of Ohio.
“The Polar Bear Plunge is something that I always enjoy doing,” Ezzone says. “My brother is a track athlete for the Special Olympics, and I'm going into law enforcement. I'm proud to support both. Being able to see an athlete enjoy playing sports is awesome! I can't wait to plunge again next year!”
Ashtabula Justice Club Takes the Polar Bear Plunge
For the seventh consecutive year, at Ashtabula’s Justice Club has taken the plunge for charity.
POSTED: Monday, April 1, 2013 12:00 AM
Updated: Wednesday, July 29, 2015 11:25 AM