Groundbreaking for ’s Field House Locker Room Project Takes Place May 3

The groundbreaking for ’s Field House Locker Room project will take place at 9 a.m. on Friday, May 3, at the Field House located at 2227 Summit St. in Kent, Ohio.

On May 3, 2013, the groundbreaking for ’s Field House Locker Room project took place at the Field House, which is located at 2227 Summit St. in Kent, Ohio. The Field House Locker Room project is the first phase of the Building Champions Fundraising Initiative. It is also a part of the university’s “Foundations of Excellence: Building the Future” initiative

The Field House locker room will provide a new facility for soccer, softball, field hockey, men’s and women’s track and cross country. In this facility, there will be a locker room, lounge area and satellite training space for athletes.

“This project will have a transformational effect on the Dix Complex and the programs it will serve,” said Matthew Geis, ’s senior associate athletic director. “With student-athlete welfare at the forefront of our minds, this locker room project will greatly enrich the student-athlete experience.”

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POSTED: Thursday, May 2, 2013 12:00 AM
Updated: Thursday, December 8, 2022 01:02 PM
Taylor Titus